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How do movies change you?

Change doesn’t occur overnight. It’s sometimes a matter of years. But how does watching movies, change you? Here are 3 major issues.


1-You would be able to better understand others

Watching movies can make you ponder the thoughts, actions and reactions of the characters. You’ll learn much better, to tune into other people via their facial gestures and body language. This could bring about more effective communication in your interactions with others.


2-You could begin to echo


Depending on the genre of your preference, you’ll possibly begin to show slightly, or even totally different behavior. If you’re into violent movies, it could be your kid, or even you who will begin to mimic an actor’s reaction, when you’re arguing, and aren’t self aware. On the other hand, if your kid could pick an intellectual behavior, such as patience, from a superstar’s reactions amid tough conditions.


3- Your health could be affected

Adrenaline junkies might ruin their health by watching too many horror or violent movies, while those into comedies could benefit the many effects laughing entails, such as lowered blood pressure. 15 minutes of intense laughter could leave the same effect on your cardiovascular system as exercising.


Next time you choose a movie to watch, better think twice and consider it from every possible perspective. You may read reviews and criticisms beforehand, to find out more about the flick you’re planning to see.

